What is it and how does it work?
The Emmett Technique (aka Emmett Therapy) is a unique form of body therapy created by Ross Emmett in Queensland, Australia. This therapy is to your body what a tune-up is to your car. It gently resets and releases the muscles, the musculoskeletal system, and the neuromuscular system through gentle adjustments that maintain & restore your body's optimal performance.
​The body is extremely complex, with critical points that are connected to each other and electrically active with the muscular and nervous systems. A small influence on these points can exert a great effect. We call these Emmett points, as they are not the same as those used in acupressure, trigger point therapy or any other therapy. Emmett therapy achieves its results by accurately applying light finger pressure at these special dynamic points, which are just underneath the skin's surface, and in specific sequences that vary depending on the client's issue. These positive, directed moves have an immediate effect on the muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments, bones, lymphatic glands, nerves and pain receptors, as well as emotional stressors that tend to be stored in the body. The Emmett therapist can be compared to a body electrician, gently influencing the right points on your body to link up, reset and repair the connections in the system. The result is that even chronic, long-standing pain and discomfort can be quickly and greatly relieved, leaving both your body and mind feeling fantastic.
Also on offer is the lymphatic drainage treatment. In it, the Emmett therapist physically, mechanically promotes the clearing of blockages and accumulated toxins from the lymphatic system and the recently discovered glymphatic system. This is the brain's sole mechanism for removing metabolic waste products that form every day from lack of sleep, poor metabolism, and even just living. Inefficient clearing of these toxic byproducts, like amyloid beta or tau protein, has been associated with a range of health problems from anxiety to Alzheimer's disease.
This lymphatic treatment, in addition to its important health benefits, also leaves you feeling relaxed, centered, lighter on your feet and empowered in the mind. This treatment is one of the best non-pharmacological, non-invasive techniques for positively influencing your lymphatic system and optimizing your lifestyle quality.
What areas can the Emmett Technique heal or relieve?

back pain
balance problems
​bicep pain
bladder problems
bowel obstruction or constipation
leg pain & swelling
carpal tunnel syndrome
​chakra balancing
​concentration or brain fog
emotional blockages
erectile dysfunction
fertility issues
fluid build-up
foot/heel/achilles pain
forearm strengthening
frozen shoulders
gastrointestinal problems
general pain and tension
hip pain (ischial tuberosity, sacrum, etc)
iliotibial band (ITB) issues
jaw pain & dysfunction
jet lag
​knee pain
legs heavy to move
lymphatic drainage
movement restrictions (all kinds)
neck pain
posture corrections
psoas conditions
repetitive stress injuries
restricted lung capacity
restricted range of motion
sacroiliac (SI) joint pain & dysfunction
sciatic pain
​shoulder pain
sinus problems
soreness or stiffness
spinal balance
sporting injuries
stiff necks/shoulders/hips, etc
swollen joints
tennis elbow
​tricep pain
vision problems
weak hand grips

How do I make an appointment?
Four (4) Options
1. Use the booking widget.
2. Email: james@jameslpoole.com
3. Contact JP Holistics Facebook page
4. Call: 628/946-8118 (San Francisco CA)
How much does Emmett therapy cost?
Emmett Technique Regular Session: 150 USD/CHF/Euro
Emmett Technique Lymphatic Drainage Only: 60 USD/CHF/Euro
All prices are for appointments in the San Francisco office. Minimal travel costs are added for appointments at your home or office in Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles area, and elsewhere in the State of California and beyond.
What is an Emmett therapy session actually like?
Emmett therapy is a safe and simple muscle release therapy that takes less time than most massages, involves no oils or waxes, and is done with a surprisingly light level of touch. The specific Emmett moves that are used vary from person because each person has different needs at different times. You can count on having a helpful appraisal done of your current condition, and a unique session being provided to suit your needs at the time.
​You can read the Reviews page or the JP Holistic Therapy Facebook page for some observations from clients. The photos and videos on this page describe some aspects of the technique.
​There are video testimonials for Emmett Therapy here: https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmettTherapies and elsewhere online.
Do I need to disrobe or get on a table?
It is not necessary to disrobe, as most Emmett moves can be done through one thin layer of clothing. Though certain moves do require you to be lying down, most can be done with you sitting or even standing. When needed, a comfortable massage table is available for use at the practice and it can also be easily set up for a session at your home or office.
How long is an Emmett treatment?
Treatment times vary because each treatment is tailored to the client's needs at the time. But typically, a treatment to relieve pain or specific movement restrictions will last from 15-20 minutes up to around 60 minutes.
A "maintenance treatment" is a similar but separate treatment offered to help prevent re-injury and help maintain top condition when there are no specific acute issues to address. This is also useful for clearing fluid buildup and maintaining effective lymphatic circulation - key for helping the body eliminate toxins from cell tissues. These relaxing sessions take between 30-60 minutes depending on your preferences.
What is your qualification?
James Poole was trained personally by Ross Emmett, the founder of the Emmett Technique, and by Colleen Kelly and Astrid Haase, senior Emmett Technique instructors. He completed all practitioner courses in Australia and in Europe. He is a full practitioner and Emm-Tech teacher, listed here on the Emmett Therapies website, and is a certified professional member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists, with full insurance cover.
How many treatments does it take to fix my problem?
Many chronic issues (see above) can be greatly alleviated or resolved completely within 1-3 sessions, typically spaced out over 1-2 weeks. Many clients also choose to come in for general maintenance sessions every few months -- especially those whose work involves prolonged sitting or those who are exposed to the same types of daily emotional or physical stressors, such as computer workers, bankers, fitness trainers, nurses and other healthcare practitioners, construction workers, cleaners, people who work with animals, etc. You can read some observations from others who have received the Emmett Technique on the Reviews page as well as on external sites like the Emmett UK website here.
Does Emmett work well with other therapies?
Yes it does! Emmett is fantastic as a complementary and alternative therapy, and can play a key role in promoting your holistic or integrative health. Emmett therapy works great on its own or as an adjunct to physiotherapy (physical therapy), chiropractic work, kinesiology, and naturopathic and allopathic medicine. It will not undo any therapies you are currently using - it will only enhance them. For instance, many Emmett therapy clients find that they are able to reduce or discontinue their use of pharmaceutical drugs for acute or chronic pain conditions, like non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), e.g. - ibuprofen (Nurofen), naproxen, or paracetamol/acetaminophen -- drugs that briefly reduce symptoms without treating causes and that can have harmful side effects. In fact many healthcare workers in other fields choose to have Emmett therapy sessions themselves!
Important: You should ALWAYS consult your primary care physician before changing or discontinuing your medical treatment plan!
What are my options if I'm not in your area?
Email james@jameslpoole.com anytime to inquire and set up an appointment in advance. If Mr. Poole is not in your area, you can find a directory listing of Emmett therapists here. If you can't find a local therapist on the site, email us and we can provide you with more specific up-to-date information or suggest a referral for your area.
This sounds too good to be true. Is it?
The Emmett Technique isn't a miracle treatment, but the effects of a session can indeed feel miraculous, especially if you've been dealing with chronic pain for a long time. Many clients found that they needed to experience it in order to really "get" it. If you're used to thinking of pain or movement restrictions as things that you "just have to deal with" or that "are just a normal part of getting older," know that this is simply not true!
Join the growing number of people who are enjoying pain relief and optimal health thanks to the Emmett Technique.